Module 9: School Leadership Team: Part 2

Module 9 focuses on school leadership team functions and implementation activities.

Module 8: School Leadership Team: Part 1

Module 8 focuses on school leadership team functions and implementation activities.

Module 7: Division Community Leadership Team: Part 2

Module 7 focuses on the role of division community leadership teams and their function and implementation activities.

Module 6: Division Community Leadership Team: Part 1

Module 6 will focus on the role of division community leadership teams and their function and implementation activities.

Module 5: Community Partners

Module 5 will discuss the role of school-based mental health professionals and community partners in an ISF.

Module 4: School-Based Mental Health Professionals (SBMHP)

Module 4 will discuss the role of school-based mental health professionals and community partners in an ISF.

Module 3: Division and School Leaders’ Roles in Structuring Teaming

Module 3 focuses on key aspects of leadership and teaming necessary for successful implementation of an ISF.

Module 2: Key Messages of ISF

Module 2 provides an overview of the big ideas and the process of implementing a comprehensive school mental health system, the Interconnected Systems Framework.

Module 1: Introduction and Background of ISF

Module 1 provides an overview of the big ideas and the process of implementing a comprehensive school mental health system, the Interconnected Systems Framework.

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