Module 8: Interventions for Students with Anxiety-Based School Refusal - Virginia CLC
  • When Anxiety Affects Education: Strategies for Helping Students Series
  • Anxiety
  • Chronic Absenteeism
  • Recovery
  • Resilience
Published Date: December 3, 2021

Module 8: Interventions for Students with Anxiety-Based School Refusal

School refusal is a symptom of the pathological use of avoidance as a means of emotion self-regulation response to high levels of anxious arousal. Participants will understand which aspect of a specific anxiety disorder, such as social anxiety, separation anxiety, or panic disorder, is manifesting as school avoidance. An effective response to school refusal should include a comprehensive program to provide education to parents, exposure-based techniques to the student, and appropriate accommodations in the school environment. Additionally, competing activities to school attendance such as pleasurable events during the school day should be eliminated or severely limited.

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