Chronic Absenteeism Archives - Virginia CLC

Knowledge Check: Chronic Absenteeism

Module 1: Understanding Chronic Absenteeism

After watching this module, you will know more about the impact of chronic absenteeism on student achievement; become familiar with attendance accountability measures; understand the differences between chronic absenteeism and other attendance data; and have explored the factors that influence school attendance.

Module 6: Strategic Partnerships

In this module, you will learn more about the importance of partnering with community stakeholders, who are the potential community partners across the tiers of support, and how to build successful partnerships to address chronic absenteeism.

Module 5: Positive Engagement

This module is focused on relationship-building with students and families to improve attendance. In this module, you will learn more about how to build relationships as one of the elements of a positive school climate. Research shows that engagement, or the strong connections between school staff, students, and families, positively impacts attendance.

Module 4: Building Capacity to Address Chronic Absenteeism

After watching this module, you will understand the framework for building the capacity in your school system to address chronic absenteeism. This framework includes conducting a needs assessment, establishing processes and team structures to address chronic absenteeism, and equipping the staff with skills and resources to improve attendance.

Module 3: Using Actionable Data to Address Chronic Absenteeism

After watching this module, you will understand what types of data will help inform school practices for addressing chronic absenteeism and learn how actionable data can help schools make strategic choices about where to target their resources and interventions.

Module 2: Addressing Chronic Absenteeism

This module will help you to understand how reducing chronic absenteeism fits into the Virginia Tiered Systems of Supports (VTSS) and to become familiar with key strategies to improve attendance.

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