Forums Archive - Virginia CLC

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Chronic Absenteeism
This forum will discuss the important issue of chronic absenteeism and how it affects your role.  The 5-part video series gave you information on how chronic absenteeism is defined and provided some strategies for capacity building, engagement, and partnerships to address absenteeism. Now we want to hear from you—please share your experience on one of our topics.
4 4 2 years, 5 months ago

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Defusing Disruptive Behavior
You already know that classroom behavior is frequently cited as the reason teachers and school mental health professionals leave their jobs or change roles. The comprehensive 8-part video series defined the escalation cycle and provided strategies or each phase of the cycle, but we know you still have questions…and answers.  Please click on one of the topics in this forum to share your experience on the different phases and responses and suggest some school-wide strategies.
4 4 2 years, 5 months ago

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Refining Your Toolkit
School counselors are professionals in building relationships and solving problems.  We hope that the 4 strategies profiled in the videos of this series added to the tools you need to do your job. Now let us hear from you—click one of the forums to share your thoughts.
4 25 4 months ago

Avatar for maintenance@gotechark.comCatrice Stukes

School Mental Health Provision and Practices
The mental health of children and adolescents is critical to their development and positive school experiences. In this series, professionals provided several strategies to help you better understand mental health issues and serve all students. Use the topics below to share your thoughts on how they might work for you.
5 6 1 year, 8 months ago

Avatar for maintenance@gotechark.comVincent Walk

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